Girl on the cover of the vaccines album come of age
Girl on the cover of the vaccines album come of age

girl on the cover of the vaccines album come of age

Maldonado: Just like any other vaccine, children may feel a little tired, but I certainly don't think it's going to be a major reaction. Bottom line: I think that's ridiculous.ĬNN: What are expected side effects of the vaccine for children - will they be severe enough to cause a child to miss class and possibly endanger his or her grades? It's made out of nucleic acids, which are basically the building blocks of all our cells, and these aren't incorporated into anything. It is a mRNA vaccine platform - it enters the cell and serves as a template for antibody development and almost immediately disintegrates into little pieces that are inert. Maldonado: There is no evidence at this point that this vaccine will affect development or fertility. A 2018 study of almost 200,000 adolescent girls and women found no connection between primary ovarian insufficiency and any of the vaccines recommended for teens, including HPV, tetanus, diphtheria, pertussis (whooping cough), meningococcal disease or inactivated flu vaccines. It's extremely rare - with one case in 1,000 women under age 30. I'm not surprised if they are doing the same with the Covid-19 vaccine.ĬNN note: Primary ovarian insufficiency occurs when a woman's ovaries stop releasing eggs.

girl on the cover of the vaccines album come of age

Maldonado: Oh my goodness, people have been saying this about every vaccine since I can remember! There's a whole group of people who have been talking about what they call "primary ovarian insufficiency" and they've attributed that to other vaccines in the past. Since many kids reach puberty between the ages of 12 and 15, how can a parent be sure that the Covid-19 vaccine won't affect their child's development? We would not agree with recommendations - even if they came from the federal government - if we did not feel that they were safe and effective given our vast experience with vaccinating children to keep them healthy in this country.ĬNN: Some parents are hearing on social media that the vaccine might have a long term impact on fertility. Not only are we pediatricians - we are vaccine experts, and we have reviewed the data ourselves on all the trials so far, and we will review the additional data. Yvonne Maldonado: The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the US Food and Drug Administration and the vaccine companies have been very open and transparent with the American Academy of Pediatrics on all of the vaccine data because they know that we advocate for children and parents and families. What message do you and the American Academy of Pediatrics have for these parents?

girl on the cover of the vaccines album come of age

The conversation has been lightly edited for clarity.ĬNN: Some parents have had no issues getting vaccinated as adults but now find themselves fretting over giving the vaccine to their children. Maldonado is also chief of Stanford University School of Medicine's division of pediatric infectious diseases and is currently leading vaccine trials in children younger than 12. Yvonne Maldonado, who chairs the American Academy of Pediatrics Committee on Infectious Diseases, to answer questions parents may have. Here are some of the most popular arguments for not getting vaccinated and why doctors want to set the record straight. That still leaves many parents unsure of what to do, vulnerable to misinformation campaigns on vaccine safety that have spread on social media. Some 52% of parents said they are likely to get their children vaccinated against Covid-19 when a vaccine becomes available for their age group, according to a poll conducted during the first week of April.

Girl on the cover of the vaccines album come of age